

TextMesh Creator has the following properties to customize the text mesh.

StringsYesstringThe string to display.
Rotation XNofloatThe rotation of the text mesh on the X axis.
Rotation YNofloatThe rotation of the text mesh on the Y axis.
Rotation ZNofloatThe rotation of the text mesh on the Z axis.
Scale XNofloatThe scale of the text mesh on the X axis.
Scale YNofloatThe scale of the text mesh on the Y axis.
Scale ZNofloatThe scale of the text mesh on the Z axis.
FontYesstringThe font to use (must be absolute path)
Separate ByNoEnum[Space, Tab, Character, None]The separator to use.
SizeNofloatThe font size to use.
ThicknessNofloatThe font thickness to use.
Horizontal AlignmentNoEnum[Left, Center, Right, Justify, Flush]The horizontal alignment to use.
Vertical AlignmentNoEnum[TopBaseline, Top, Center, Bottom, BottomBaseline]The vertical alignment to use.
Character SpacingNofloatThe character spacing to use.
Word SpacingNofloatThe word spacing to use.
Use BlendshapeNoboolUse blendshape to display strings
Use DecimateNoboolUse decimate modifier to reduce vertices
Decimate RatioNofloatThe ratio of decimate modifier
Separate by Loose PartsNoboolSeparate by loose parts
OutlinedNoboolGenerate mesh as outlined
Outline ThicknessNofloatThe thickness of outline
Outline ThresholdNofloatThe threshold of outline
Center to OriginNoboolCenter to origin
UniqueNoboolFilter output files as unique
Enable Preview ModeNoboolEnable preview mode
Enable Legacy PreviewNoboolEnable legacy preview mode
Increment FromNointThe number to start incrementing from
Export DirectoryYesstringThe directory to export the text mesh to

About "Separate By"

The "Separate By" property is used to separate the text mesh by the specified separator. For example, if you set "Separate By" to "Space", the text mesh will be separated by space. "None" means that the text mesh will not be separated (all strings into single mesh).

About "Separate by Loose Parts"

The "Separate by Loose Parts" property is used to separate the text mesh by loose parts. The "Loose Parts" means that the text mesh will be separated by the specified space. For example, if you apply "Separate by Loose Parts" to the following text mesh, the text mesh will be generated as shown in the figure below.

  • Strings: , To: , , ( is separated to left and right parts)

It is useful for creating a movie on Unity, Unreal Engine, and other game engines like the following videos.